1937 |
Rule 17 enacted by UC President Sproul.
Comes following a suggestion by Peace Strike planners to send medical
aid to Spain during the Spanish Civil War. The Rule bannes "meetings or
events which by their nature, method of promoting, or general handling,
tend to involve the University in political or sectarian religious
activities in a partisan way." |
1949 |
UC Regents require loyalty oath of all University employees. |
1950 |
31 University of California faculty members
and more than 100 other UC employees refuse to sign the oath and are
fired by the University. |
1952 |
California Supreme Court strikes down the loyalty oath and orders the reinstatement of the fired professors. |
May 16, 1956 |
"The Great Panty Raid." Thousands of UC
Berkeley students "riot around UC Berkeley sororities and dorms. The
police and fire department are called to subdue the crowd. |
September 1956 |
A campus-wide committee of graduate and
undergraduate students organize to seek a formal amendment or
"modification to Rule 17" Students included Hank DiSuvero, Peter
Franck, and Pat Denton who would later become members of TASC. |
1957 |
TASC (Toward an Active Student Community)
is formed by student leaders Fritjof Thygeson, Rich White and Ralph
Schaffer. Composed largely of graduate students in the social sciences,
with a smaller number of undergraduates and a few students from the
sciences and engineering. |
October 1957 |
Rule 17 modified, under new rule,
non-recognized "off campus" student groups may hold meetings special
lectures on campus, however all publicity had to be approved by the
Dean of Students and must not appear to in any way imply University
sponsorship or endorsement. The rule did not allow these groups to hold
membership or business meetings on campus. |
Fall 1957 |
Mike Miller, one of the founders of TASC,
resigns his office as ASUC Representative-at-large to run a "slate of
like-minded candidates." His resignation came after the ASUC Executive
Committee failed to pass a "Declaration of Conscience" on conditions in
apartheid South Africa. Miller suggested that what was needed was a
campus political party. The idea for a student political party came
from a course Thygeson took from Professor Jensen at San Diego State
College. Most of those who would join TASC first met each other in
William Kornhouser's course on Social Movements.
Miller, Jo Anne Fowler, Alan Madian, Rich White, Patrick Hallinan and
Sally Hagerty, were the first candidates to run on the SLATE in the
fall election. |
February 5, 1958 |
SLATE officially organizes. Temporary SLATE
Coordinating Committee includes Charleen Rains, Owen Hill Pat Hallinan,
Peter Franck, Fritjof Thygeson and Mike Miller. |
February 28-March 1, 1958 |
SLATE organizing convention, roughly 100 students attend. |
March 1958 |
SLATE begins publishing the independent student paper the Cal Reporter.
UC administration rules forbid distribution of the paper on campus, so
the paper was available only on the city side of Sather Gate. The $23
cost to print 5,000 copies of each issue was largely met by holding
off-campus beer parties at fifty cents per person. |
March 4, 1958 |
ASUC Executive Committee decides that
student political parties should be allowed to participate in student
government and should not be discriminated against by election rules.
(SLATE was a "political party.") |
March 19, 1958 |
ASUC Executive Committee rescinds its early decision and disallows parties on the ballot. |
May 28, 1958 |
University approves SLATE as a "student
organization concerned with the ASUC" but not as a political party. The
National Student Association had discussed the idea of student
political parties for a number of years and the ASUC Executive
Committee had wavered on the issue, first voting to allow political
parties, then changing its mind and voting against the idea. UC
Berkeley campus administration followed this lead and ruled that SLATE
could not be a "political party." |
September 19,1958 |
Clark Kerr inaugurated University of California President (Kerr had been named President in 1957). |
Fall 1958 |
SLATE members meet with Deans Shepard and Stone, where they are requested not to refer to themselves as a "political party." |
March 1959 |
SLATE attempts to hold a rally in support
of Proposition C on the Berkeley City ballot. The measure, called the
"Fair Housing Ordinance," was part of a campaign, ongoing since 1956 to
force the University to stop listing rental units that were "white
only." |
March 9, 1959 |
Dean Stone refuses SLATE's written request
to hold a rally, because a recognized UC organization cannot "support,
endorse, advance, oppose, or defeat any political, religious,
sociological or economic movement activity or program." Dean Stone made
clear that while student organizations could take no action on
Proposition C, students were free in as individuals, or as
non-university recognized groups to engage in political activity. |
March 11, 1959 |
Daily Cal reports that STATE
chairman Cindy Lembcke was called to see Dean Stone, where she was told
that the SLATE meeting called to protest the banning of earlier meeting
would not be allowed either. |
March 12, 1959 |
SLATE holds rally without official sanction
of the University, non-SLATE member take the stage to show their
support and suggest that they be punished along with SLATE leadership.
12 students were called for disciplinary hearings. Protests against the
draconian policies of the administration led to Ernest Besig of the
Northern California chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union
(ACLU) acting as their attorney. California Attorney General Stanley
Mosk wrote an informal opinion in favor of the students; the Daily Cal editorialized in favor of SLATE's action. |
May 1, 1959 |
Chancellor's office announces that it had
approved the disassociation of graduate students from the ASUC. The
decision was based on a voluntary graduate student survey and students
were not allowed to vote on the change. Daily Cal editorials
suggested the move was made to eliminate SLATE's growing popularity on
campus and power in the ASUC. (May 4, May 6, 1959) Much of SLATE's
electoral power came from graduate students and their disassociation
from the ASUC took away a significant portion of SLATE's constituents. |
May 15, 1959 |
SLATE candidate David Armor is elected ASUC
president. Of eleven open positions on the ASUC, four SLATE candidates
are elected, including two graduate student representative, Marv
Sternberg and Cary McWilliams Jr., who ran un-opposed (the graduate
student representatives were not allowed to serve their terms,
following Chancellor Seaborg's May 22 announcement. |
May 22, 1959 |
Chancellor announces just before spring
semester ended that on September 1, 1959 graduate students would be
released from the ASUC and the ASUC would be composed entirely of
undergraduates. |
September 11, 1959 |
Chancellor Seaborg sends a letter to ASUC
president and SLATE member, David Armor, in which he makes clear that
graduate student representatives no longer have a place on the ASUC
Executive Committee, because graduate students were no longer members
of the ASUC. |
September 22, 1959 |
UC freshman Richard Casey withdraws from the University, forfeiting his Regents Scholarship, rather than enroll in ROTC. |
October 23, 1959 |
UC President Clark Kerr issues what came to
be known as the "Kerr Directives." The three directives include rules
governing the student governments of various campuses, rules and
requirements students need to follow to be recognized by the
University, and rules governing the use of University facilities. For
SLATE and student government, the most damning part of the Kerr
Directives was the passage, "it is certainly not appropriate to permit
student governments to speak either for the University or for the
student body with reference to off-campus political, religious,
economic, international or other issues of the time. Therefore, student
governments and their subsidiary may not take positions on any such
off-campus issues." |
October 29, 1959 |
Daily Cal reports on SLATE criticism of Kerr Directives, including a protest rally to urge defiance. |
November 17, 1959 |
ASUC Executive Committee sends letter to
all UC Campuses, disassociating the ASUC from SLATE activities and
opposing the actions of SLATE, including picketing, demonstrating and
speaking against the Kerr Directives. |
November 20, 1959 |
President Kerr presents revised set of
regulations at the Academic Senate meeting. The section denying
recognition to organizations that took part in off campus issues was
changed to read. "The organizations must not be identified with any
partisan political or religious group, or have as one of its principal
purposes the taking of partisan positions identified with such a group." |
February 1, 1960 |
Sit-ins begin in Greensboro, North Carolina, where four black college students refuse to move from a Woolworth lunch counter. |
March 22, 1960 |
ASUC Executive Committee passes a motion to
establish a committee of "Students Against Racial Discrimination" to
collect funds for Southern student's legal and emergency food expenses.
The Dean states that while he agreed with the spirit of the motion, he
ruled the motion would need to be modified to comply with the Kerr
Directives and further that funds could not be solicited on campus. |
April 26, 1960 |
HUAC sends out subpoenas for its San
Francisco hearing, including one to eighteen-year-old UC Berkeley
sophomore and SLATE member, Douglas Wachter. |
May 3, 1960 |
ASUC Executive Committee passed a motion to
send a letter to the University of Illinois to protest the dismissal of
Professor Leo Koch for writing a letter published in the editorial page
of the Daily Illinois advocating premarital sex or trial
marriages among mature adults. The letter was sent in direct violation
of the Kerr Directive. The Executive Committee was ordered by the
Chancellor to rescind the letter and was warned that if it could not
abide by the rules drastic changes would be made to student government. |
May 13, 1960 |
Anti-HUAC protests outside of San Francisco
City Hall, where HUAC proceedings are taking place. Protests turn
violent after police hose protesters. 68 people were arrested,
including 31 UC students. SLATE members take part in the protest, along
with other like-minded students and form the ad hoc group Students for
Civil Liberties. The group circulates a petition protesting HUAC, over
a thousand students and three hundred faculty members sign the petition
within 3 days. The Daily Cal urged protests against the HUAC
hearings. Protesters were not allowed inside the building, and when
students sat down outside the hall and began singing songs, the police
turned the fire hoses against them and hosed them off the stairs. The
charges against all but one of those arrested were dropped (the one
student was later acquitted by a jury). On the third day, the
protesters were joined by several thousand longshoremen, and there was
no further incident. |
July 29-31, 1960 |
SLATE holds first summer conference at
Mount Madonna, "The What and Why of the Student Movement. At the
conference an anti-HUAC coalition is formed. Over 140 members of
liberal, religious, civil rights and peace organizations from all over
the country attend the weekend event. |
1961 |
Eleventh Report of Un-American Activities in California includes large section detailing the "subversive" activities of SLATE. |
March 1961 |
SLATE sponsors a talk by Frank Wilkinson on
campus. Wilkinson had been twice called to testify before HUAC but had
refused and had been sentenced to one year in prison for contempt of
Congress. Wilkinson, who was accused by HUAC of being a communist
organizer, would neither confirm nor deny the allegations. Many protest
President Kerr allowing him to speak on the UC Berkeley campus,
including Assemblyman Don Mulford. Carloads of citizens travel to
Sacramento to protest Wilkinson's appearance, but Governor Pat Brown
supports Wilkinson's right to speak on the campus. |
May 1, 1961 |
KPFA radio announcer Mike Tigar declares
his candidacy for ASUC president on the SLATE platform. (Tigar was also
the narrator for the record "Sounds of Protest," which narrated the
HUAC demonstrations in 1960.) |
May 4, 1961 |
Malcolm X is denied permission to speech on the UC Berkeley campus. |
May 11, 1961 |
Dr. Leo Koch spoke on campus at the invitation of SLATE. |
June 10, 1961 |
SLATE loses on-campus status, after SLATE
Chairman Michael Myerson was repeatedly referred to as Chairman of
SLATE, "a campus political party," not a campus student organization,
in publications. |
June 28-30, 1961 |
SLATE holds second annual Summer
Conference; topics include the HUAC, compulsory ROTC, campus press, and
other civil liberties issues, as well as farm labor, civil rights, and
peace and disarmament. |
October 31, 1961 |
SLATE calls for an all night vigil on the
steps of Sproul Hall to protest all nuclear testing. The new Dean of
Students Katherine Towle denied approval of the event, but suggested
"individual members of the campus community as individuals are, of
course, free to assemble peaceably if they wish to do so." SLATE then
withdrew sponsorship and called for individuals to attend as
individuals. The event was held as planned. |
November 1961 |
Exchange of letters between President Clark Kerr and SLATE members Ken Cloke and Roger Hollander. |
Late 1961 |
SLATE publishes The Big Myth, which
includes the text of letters between President Clark Kerr and Ken Clock
and Roger Hollander. The pamphlet challenges the "big myth" of a
liberal campus and political and academic freedom. |
March 1962 |
An unauthorized rally takes place on campus
in protest of resumed atmospheric atomic testing by the United States.
Police are called by the Dean of Students to disperse the crowd. Part
of the planned Charter Day protests. |
March 23, 1962 |
SLATE and other groups protest President
John F. Kennedy and US activities in Cuba at his speech at Charter Day
Ceremonies. Frank Bardacke was chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee for
March 23, 1962 demonstrations. More then 88,000 people attend President
Kennedy's lecture in Memorial Stadium, the largest event in the
University's history. |
July 27-29, 1962 |
SLATE Summer Conference is held on the
topic "the Negro in America." The conference led to the formation of
Bay Area Friends of SNCC. |
June 21, 1963 |
UC Regents abolish the speaker ban. |
June 27-28, 1963 |
SLATE Summer Conference is held in Berkeley; the topic of discussion is Educational Reform. |
Fall 1963 |
SLATE begins publishing the SLATE Supplement to the General Catalog. |
October 11, 1963 |
Malcolm X finally speaks on campus in a meeting sponsored by SLATE in Dwinelle Plaza. |
November 8, 1963 |
Mel's Drive-in in Berkeley is picketed by
the Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination, (organized by former SLATE
chairman Mike Myerson), on charges of racial discrimination. The picket
comes after a similar picket at the Mel's in San Francisco resulted in
the arrest of 59 protesters. |
1964 |
Acting Professor Eli Katz is denied
promotion despite being recommended for advancement by Department. Katz
had taken part in communist activities before his academic career. |
February 1964 |
UC Berkeley Campus CORE (Congress on Racial
Equality) pickets and holds shop-ins at Lucky supermarket. A picket
line is also established at the Sheraton Palace in San Francisco,
protesting against discriminatory hiring practices after the Lucky's
settlement was announced. |
February-March 1964 |
Sheraton Palace picketers reach 3000-4000.
Police are called and over 167 people are arrested, many of who are
members of the Ad Hoc Committee and UC Berkeley students. |
April 1964 |
CORE member hold sit-in at Oakland's Auto Row. |
July 29, 1964 |
UC Vice-Chancellor Alex Sherriffs resolves
to end political activity and organizing on UC property at the corner
of Bancroft and Telegraph. Kerr was out of the country and Chancellor
Strong was on vacation in Hawaii at the time. |
September 1, 1964 |
UC Regents ruling from spring of 1959,
banning all sorority and fraternity requirements based on race,
religion or national origin, goes into effect. |
September 4-8, 1964 |
A flyer by the Ad Hoc Committee to End Discrimination inserted inside copies of the SLATE Supplement distributed from the Bancroft-Telegraph area of the campus. The flyer called for students to join the picketing of the Oakland Tribune. |
September 1964 |
The SLATE Supplement includes an article by Brad Cleveland, calling for open fierce and thoroughgoing rebellion. |
September 16, 1964 |
All student organizations receive a letter
from Dean of Students Katherine Towle that, effective September 21,
political activity will no longer be permitted on the 26 by 40 foot
strip of University property at Bancroft and Telegraph (the width of a
city street).
Jackie Goldberg, head of Campus Women for Peace, and her brother Art,
outgoing chairman of SLATE, called an evening meeting of all the
student political organizations to figure out what to do. |
September 17, 1964 |
The United Front (which includes SLATE) forms and meets with Dean Towle to protest the new policy. |
October 1, 1964 |
Jack Weinberg is arrested at CORE table in
front of Sproul Hall. Students sit around police car, preventing
Weinberg from being taken away. Demonstrators speak from on top of car.
A few hundred demonstrators sit in at Sproul Hall and around police car
all night. |
October 2, 1964 |
7000 demonstrators occupy area between
Sproul Hall and the Student Union. Police arrive and agreement is
reached between students and administration by the evening. Known as
the Pact of October 2, signed by Kerr and nine representatives of
students groups, including 2 SLATE members. |
October 3-4, 1963 |
Free Speech Movement (FSM) Forms at a noon meeting at Art Goldberg and Sandor Fuch's apartment. |
December 1, 1964 |
After two months of trying to work with the
University administration to drop charges against student leaders, the
FSM issues an ultimatum and threatens direct action if the
administration does not agree to drop charges for violating campus
regulations within 24 hours. |
December 2, 1964 |
Demonstrators pack Sproul Hall, about 1500 protesters managed to get inside. |
December 3, 1964 |
3:00am Chancellor Strong requests that
students disband, at 3:45am, Governor Pat Brown orders arrests. The
newspapers reported that 801 people were arrested; in the end, 773
people were actually arrested. |
December 8, 1964 |
SLATE, though not an official party, ran a
full ticket of candidates in the fall ASUC election. All the candidates
won by a substantial margin, including Brian Turner and Dusty Miller
who were known as FSM activists. The total number of students voting,
5276, was twice the norm. |
January 5, 1965 |
FSM holds first "legal" rally on Sproul Plaza. |
March 9, 1965 |
University President, Clark Kerr and acting
Chancellor Martin Meyerson resign. Chancellor Strong had been asked to
take a leave of absence in January due to illness and his handling of
the FSM. |
March 13, 1965 |
Kerr and Meyerson withdraw their resignations at the Board of Regents meeting. |
April 26, 1965 |
Mario Savio steps down as FSM leader. |
April 28, 1965 |
FSM dissolves itself. |
May 9, 1965 |
SLATE loses its ASUC majority in election.
Former SLATE chairman Sandor Fuchs was defeated for ASUC president by a
vote of 3970 to 2078. Though two SLATE candidates did win seats, SLATE
lost its majority and by that fall, after losing more ground, SLATE was
left with only one-third of the Senate votes. |
October 1966 |
SLATE holds meeting to officially dissolve the organization. |